Double Glazing: More Than Just Heat and Security

Most of us know the benefits of replacing old single glazed windows with new UPVC replacement windows. People’s thoughts tend to go straight to the reduction of future heating bills they are likely to enjoy, and the enhanced security aspect of having double glazed doors and windows fitted. But that’s not all. There are some other advantages too, that people either forget about, or never consider in the first place.

Great sound insulation

As well as giving great insulation that prevents heat loss, the same cavity design feature of double-glazing also provides excellent sound insulation.

The principal design of double glazed windows

The basic design of a double glazed window incorporates two panes of glass that are separated by something called a spacer bar. This sandwich is then vacated of air and then filled with either dehydrated air, or an inert gas. The whole “sandwich” is then hermetically sealed. With a sealed unit that incorporates dehydrated air, the, spacing between the two panes of glass is normally 16 mm. When the unit incorporates the inert gas, Argon, the spacing between the two panes is normally 14 mm. Other inert gasses are used as well, namely krypton and xenon. These are more efficient than argon, but they also carry a heftier price tag

The benefit of acoustic insulation

However, when it comes down to acoustic insulation, the design of each window is best dealt with on a case-by-case basis. This is because of the following considerations:

Noise pollution can consist of many things including the noise from traffic, trains, aircraft, and things like rowdy people being turned out of the pub late at night. The levels of noise (which can vary from room to room in the house) can be mitigated choosing different thicknesses of glass.

Another factor that can improve sound insulation is by opting to go for special acoustic grade of laminated glass, such as “SoundStop”, which contains a layer of acoustic resin between the two panes of glass.

The benefit of no maintenance

Having to maintain the windows in your home can be both time-consuming and expensive. The advantage with uPVC double glazing however, is the fact that it needs absolutely no maintenance at all. Furthermore, installations of replacement double glazing windows usually come with a 10-year guarantee as standard, although some companies are offering extended warranties. In actual fact, quality double-glazing correctly installed, can easily last anywhere up to 35 years without once having to get the paintbrush out.

The benefit of no condensation

  • Condensation is something that is primarily experienced with single glazing. It is both unsightly and frustrating. It can give rise to:
  • Unpleasant musty odours
  • Pools of water gathering on window sills
  • Damage to paintwork, curtains and wallpaper
  • Causing wooden window frames to rot
  • Mould forming, with attendant health hazard from mould spores

Some people also report that they experience condensation after double-glazing has been fitted. However, this is usually either due to inferior quality double-glazing, or poor installation.

Choosing the right supplier with the right quality products is key.

Choosing a reputable supplier, who supplies top quality products, with correct installation, will usually provide a condensation free, no maintenance solution.

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